We aspired to build an investment service that we would love being a client of. We are proud of the result.


value investing
oriented towards
long-term growth

We built IMA on value investing principles outlined by Benjamin Graham and popularized by Warren Buffett, then added a twist of our own.

The result is an all-terrain portfolio designed to grow while riding out any bad financial terrain it comes across.

Our Active Value Investing Principles

value investing
oriented towards
long-term growth

We built IMA on value investing principles outlined by Benjamin Graham and popularized by Warren Buffett, then added a twist our own.

The result is an all-terrain portfolio designed to grow while riding out any bad financial terrain it comes across.

Our Investing Principles

Our goal:

Due to regulatory reasons, we do not publish our returns publicly. However, to request our historical performance, please reach out to us.

Request Historical Performance

fad-free stock

Don’t subject your portfolio to your fund manager’s emotions and ulterior motives.

We stay rational through a research-heavy process with clear buy and sell criteria.

To pick new stocks for your portfolio, we build financial models of hundreds of businesses every year. Only a handful make the cut.

That way your wealth is protected by decisions based on research, not emotions or trends.

Our Investment Process

Full transparency
about what your
portfolio contains
and why

You should know what’s in your portfolio and why it’s there.

That’s why we’ll walk you through all our investment decisions in our quarterly letters. And you can check your positions any time, any day.


portfolio and
client experience

No more being a number in a spreadsheet. We individually manage each client’s personal investments to maximize their long-term growth while minimizing risk.

We’ll buy new clients stocks our current clients own only if those stocks are still good purchases.

We can also avoid specific types of stocks if you have ethical or tax-related considerations.

Direct line of
communication with
decision makers

We won’t make you wade through an automated phone system or talk to people who don’t know anything about investing.

Our clients have direct access to IMA’s decision makers by phone or email when they want to talk about their portfolios.

Our Client Experience

No conflicts
of interest

Our only source of income is our fully disclosed management fee.

We built IMA so that our profits directly correlate to changes in your wealth, ensuring we always make investment choices that are only in your best interests.

That’s why our managers own the same stocks as you.

Managers who
own the same
stocks as you

Virtually all Vitaliy’s and Michael’s liquid assets are managed by the firm, invested in the same stocks as the rest of our clients. That includes Vitaliy’s personal account, as well as those of his wife and three kids

That’s because we firmly believe that IMA’s methodology is the only sane way of investing in today’s economy.

A Firm Built for You


IMA did not make any direct payments to clients for testimonials. However, according to SEC rules, buying a meal at a restaurant for a client is considered an indirect payment. IMA hosts events with meals for clients whenever the IMA team visits clients’ cities and hosts an annual client dinner in Denver, inviting all clients. Many clients who provided testimonials have attended an event with a meal paid for by IMA, and thus, according to SEC rules, have received indirect compensation.


Well-known for his insightful investment articles that have been published in Financial Times, Barron’s, BusinessWeek, and many others, Vitaliy has been dubbed “The New Benjamin Graham” by Forbes.

He has over 20 years of investment experience. His books have been translated into eight languages. He has taught graduate investment classes at the University of Colorado and he speaks to investor organizations in the U.S. and abroad.

Vitaliy received both his BS and MS degrees in finance from the University of Colorado at Denver. He served on the board of CFA Society of Colorado and is currently on the board of the Arapahoe Philharmonic.

You can find Vitaliy’s articles on life, investments, and classical music on his personal websites, The Intellectual Investor, and My Favorite Classical, or listen to them on the Intellectual Investor Podcast.

  • 1 – Barron`s Home1 – Barron`s Home
  • 2 – FT Logo Home2 – FT Logo Home
  • 3 – CNBC Home3 – CNBC Home
  • 4 – Institutional Investor Home4 – Institutional Investor Home
  • 5 – Business Insider Home5 – Business Insider Home
  • 6 – MarketWatch Home6 – MarketWatch Home
  • 7 – Financial Planing Home7 – Financial Planing Home


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      Investment Management Associates, Inc. - A Premier Value Investing Firm